Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Maltrato(General) Essays - Abraham Senior, Castilians,

Maltrato(General) Yo voy a empezar explicando sobre el tema del maltrato a ni?os y adolecentes. Hay muchos actos violentos cometidos en el hogar entre miembros de una familia. En la d?cada de 1970 las feministas analizaron el alcance de la violencia intrafamiliar (considerada como un fen?meno exclusivamente masculino) y se crearon centros de acogida y de ayuda para las mujeres maltratadas y para sus hijos. El t?rmino maltrato infantil abarca una amplia gama de acciones que causan da?o f?sico, emocional o mental en ni?os de cualquier edad. Sin embargo, el tipo de maltrato infligido var?a con la edad del ni?o. Los malos tratos en beb?s y ni?os en edad preescolar suelen producir fracturas, quemaduras y heridas intencionadas. En casi todos los casos de acoso sexual el agresor suele ser un hombre y la v?ctima una ni?a en edad escolar o adolescente. Sin embargo, en los ?ltimos tiempos est? aumentando el n?mero de ni?os varones en edad preescolar que sufren este tipo de maltrato. lo largo de la historia, el patriarcado, seg?n el movimiento feminista, ha puesto el poder en manos de maridos y padres en cualquier relaci?n conyugal o de pareja. El suttee entre los hind?es (que exige que la viuda se ofrezca en la pira funeraria de su marido), el infanticidio femenino en la cultura china e india dominadas por hombres, los matrimonios concertados entre los musulmanes, que pueden llevar al asesinato o a la tortura de la mujer, y la esclavitud dom?stica en el nuevo hogar indican la presencia end?mica de sexismo y violencia intrafamiliar masculina. Se desconoce si este tipo de violencia es un fen?meno en alza o en baja, incluso en pa?ses donde hoy existe un mayor n?mero de denuncias y de registros que en ?pocas anteriores. Por un lado, es probable que haya una mayor predisposici?n a denunciar estos hechos al existir una mayor independencia femenina, m?s oportunidades de trabajo fuera del hogar, mayor conciencia feminista y m?s posibilidades de anticoncepci?n. Por otro lado, la motivaci?n para la violencia es menor al existir una mayor libertad de elecci?n de compa?ero, menos matrimonios forzados y una mayor emancipaci?n de la mujer en cuanto a propiedad, estudios y divorcio. Ninguno de estos elementos puede ser evaluado con exactitud. La tecnolog?a de la informaci?n actual ayuda a recopilar datos, pero en cambio resulta dif?cil conocer los procesos y los antecedentes. Algunas feministas radicales opinan que es la familia la ra?z del problema y que la soluci?n est? en liberarse del hombre, mientras que en el extremo opuesto otro s opinan que la mujer debe limitarse a su papel de ama de casa y madre. Aunque no puede afirmarse que toda la violencia sea cometida por hombres, s? ocurre as? en la mayor?a de los casos. A veces son el padre y la madre juntos quienes cometen las agresiones, como en el caso de malos tratos a los hijos. La patolog?a del maltrato infantil, desgraciadamente, no tiene fin.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Theories of Ideology in Sociology

Theories of Ideology in Sociology Ideology is the lens through which a person views the world. Within the field of sociology, ideology is broadly understood to refer to the sum total of a persons values, beliefs, assumptions, and expectations. Ideology exists within society, within groups, and between people. It shapes our thoughts, actions, and interactions, along with what happens in society at large. Ideology is a fundamental concept in sociology. Sociologists study it because it plays such a powerful role in shaping how society is organized and how it functions. Ideology is directly related to the social structure, economic system of production, and political structure. It both emerges out of these things and shapes them. Ideology vs. Particular Ideologies Often, when people use the word ideology they are referring to a particular ideology rather than the concept itself. For example, many people, especially in the media, refer to extremist views or actions as being inspired by a particular ideology (for example, radical Islamic ideology or white power ideology) or as ideological. Within sociology, much attention is paid to what is known as  the dominant ideology, or the particular ideology that is most common and  strongest in a given society. However, the concept of ideology itself is actually general in nature and not tied to one particular way of thinking. In this sense, sociologists define ideology as a persons worldview and recognize that there are various and competing ideologies operating in a society at any given time, some more dominant than others. Ultimately, ideology determines how we make sense of things. It provides an ordered view of the world, our place in it, and our relationship to others. As such, it is deeply important to the human experience, and typically something that  people cling to and defend, whether or not they are conscious of doing so. And, as ideology emerges out of the  social structure  and  social order, it is generally expressive of the social interests that are supported by both. Terry Eagleton, a British literary theorist, and intellectual explained it this way in his 1991 book  Ideology: An Introduction: Ideology is a system of concepts and views which serves to make sense of the world while obscuring the  social interests  that are expressed therein, and by its completeness and relative internal consistency tends to form a  closed  system and maintain itself in the face of contradictory or inconsistent experience. Marxs Theory of Ideology German philosopher Karl Marx  is considered the first to provide a theoretical framing of ideology within the context of sociology. Michael Nicholson  / Contributor  / Getty Images According to Marx, ideology emerges out of a societys mode of production. In his case and in that of the modern United States,  the economic mode of production is capitalism. Marxs approach to ideology was set forth in his theory of  base and superstructure. According to Marx, the superstructure of society, the realm of ideology, grows out of the base, the realm of production, to reflect the interests of the ruling class and justify the status quo that keeps them in power. Marx, then, focused his theory on the concept of a dominant ideology. However, he viewed the relationship between base and superstructure as dialectical in nature, meaning that each affects the other equally and that a change in one necessitates a change in the other. This belief formed the basis for Marxs theory of revolution. He believed that once workers  developed a class consciousness  and became aware of their exploited position relative to the powerful class of factory owners and financiers- in other words, when they experienced a fundamental shift in ideology- that they would then act on that ideology by organizing and demanding a change in the social, economic, and political structures of society. Gramscis Additions to Marxs Theory of Ideology The working-class revolution that Marx predicted never happened. Nearly 200 years after the publication of The Communist Manifesto, capitalism maintains a strong grip on global society and  the inequalities it fosters continue to grow. Fototeca Storica Nazionale.  / Contributor  / Getty Images   Following on the heels of Marx, the Italian activist, journalist, and intellectual  Antonio Gramsci  offered a more developed theory of ideology to help explain why the revolution did not occur. Gramsci, offering his theory of  cultural hegemony, reasoned that dominant ideology had a stronger hold on consciousness and society than Marx had imagined. Gramscis theory focused on the  central role played by the  social institution of education  in spreading the dominant ideology and maintaining the power of the ruling class. Educational institutions, Gramsci argued, teach ideas, beliefs, values, and even identities that reflect the interests of the ruling class, and produce compliant and obedient members of society that serve the interests of that class. This type of rule is what Gramsci called cultural hegemony. The Frankfurt School and Louis Althusser on Ideology Some years later, the  critical theorists  of  the Frankfurt School turned their attention to the role that art,  popular culture, and mass media play in disseminating ideology. They argued that just as education plays a role in this process, so do the social institutions of media and popular culture. Their theories of ideology focused on the representational work that art, popular culture, and mass media do in telling stories about society, its members, and our way of life. This work can either support the dominant ideology and the status quo, or it can challenge it, as in the case of  culture jamming. Jacques Pavlovsky  / Contributor  / Getty Images Around the same time, the French philosopher Louis Althusser developed his concept of the ideological state apparatus, or the ISA. According to Althusser, the dominant ideology of any given society is maintained and reproduced through several ISAs, notably the media, religion, and education. Althusser argued that each ISA does the work of promoting illusions about the way society works and why things are the way they are. Examples of Ideology In the modern United States, the dominant ideology is one that, in keeping with Marxs theory, supports capitalism and the society organized around it. The central tenet of this ideology is that U.S. society is one in which all people are free and equal, and thus, can do and achieve anything they want in life. A key supporting tenet is the idea that work is morally valuable, no matter the job. Together, these beliefs form an ideology supportive of capitalism by helping us make sense of why some people achieve so much in terms of success and wealth  while others achieve so little. Within the logic of this ideology, those who work hard are guaranteed to see success. Marx would argue that these ideas, values, and assumptions work to justify a reality in which a very small class of people holds most of the authority within corporations, firms, and financial institutions. These beliefs also justify a reality in which the vast majority of people are simply workers within the system. While these ideas may reflect the dominant ideology in modern America, there are in fact other ideologies that challenge them and the status quo they represent. The radical labor movement, for example, offers an alternative ideology- one that instead assumes that the capitalist system is fundamentally unequal and that those who have amassed the greatest wealth are not necessarily deserving of it. This competing ideology asserts that the power structure is controlled by the ruling class and is designed to impoverish the majority for the benefit of a privileged minority. Labor radicals throughout history have fought for new laws and public policies that would redistribute wealth and promote equality and justice.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Human Resource Management - Essay Example This essay discusses that the development of effective HR policies has been a critical issue for organizations in different industries. In fact, a well-planned HR policy can significantly help towards the standardization and the development of organizational performance, either in the short or the long term. However, the value of HR, as an organizational sector, is often underestimated. This problem has been made clear in the case of Home Care Housing. The organization has managed to achieve a rapid growth; however, due to the lack of an integrate HR plan, the firm’s managers have failed to respond to the needs of workers in regard especially to the level of payment and the hours of work. Moreover, the low communication within the organization has set obstacles in the identification of appropriate solutions for improving employee satisfaction and employee performance. Since its establishment, about 12 years ago, Home Care Housing has managed to achieve a significant level of g rowth. The success of the organization is reflected in the radical expansion of its activities; when entering the market, the organization managed just two housing developments. Today, Home Care Housing manages 20 units and employs about 600 people. The development of the organization has been mostly related to its support from volunteers and the community. However, the current status of its HR framework can be characterized as rather disappointing. A series of problems appear daily across the organization, a fact indicating the emergent need for the development of an effective HR plan. ... This fact is reflected in the lack of an integrated HR plan. As a result, the terms and conditions of employment are not consistent. More specifically, the compensation of each employee is not standard. Rather variations can be identified in salaries, both in terms of the amount paid as also of the date of the payment. In most units of the organization significant delays are reported in the payment of salary; only workers in the maintenance sector of the organization are paid on time. Also, the hours of work of employees are not based on certain rules; instead, workers are likely to work from 37 to 42 hours per week. A same problem exists in regard to the number of days available as holidays. The period of holidays for workers in the firm’s units varies from 20 to 27 days, with no clear criteria or rules on which the days granted to each worker for holidays are estimated. A significant problem seems also to exist in regard to the level of rewarding; the problem is clearer in t he case of managers who are fairly rewarded, meaning that there is no balance between the performance of managers and their rewards. The lack of an effective plan for arranging the payment, the holidays and the hours of work of employees has led to severe problems across the organization; the problem seems to be severe especially for the employees working in the firm’s Head Office. These employees face difficulties in covering the expenses of their travel for working; they also face difficulties in responding to the schedule of work which is not standardized. Those employees who have transferred from the organization’s units to its Head Office have reported that the working arrangements in the Head